- 1-844-428-4529
- 8237 Dunwoody Pl Atlanta, GA 30350
Personal Injury Lawyer
In the city of Atlanta, a personal injury lawyer is an attorney who represents injured parties in court, whether those injuries are physical or psychological, assisting them in seeking compensation for their injuries. A personal injury lawyer represents victims who have been injured by a person, government agency, company or entity.
Personal injury lawyers are trained in many fields of law, but typically handle cases that are known as tort law. These cases may involve medical mistakes, work injuries, vehicle accidents, defective products and slip and fall accidents. Some personal injury attorneys also represent people who have been involved in boating accidents, those who have been bitten by a dog, and minors who have been abused.
Personal injury lawyers have a code of legal ethics that must be followed. They must be competent in the area of law they have undertaken, and they have a duty to their clients to provide confidentiality. A personal injury lawyer works to protect the rights of their client as their client moves through the process of a court case. This type of lawyer may also help a client reach a settlement with the offending party and avoid a trial.
Because most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, they do not take every case that comes along. Instead, a personal injury lawyer will meet with a prospective client, generally through a free consultation, to help that person determine whether or not they have the elements necessary for a successful personal injury case.