- 1-844-428-4529
- 8237 Dunwoody Pl Atlanta, GA 30350
Negligent Entrustment Definition
Most people are unaware that they could be held responsible for an accident, even if they weren’t in the vehicle. If you loan your car to someone and they cause an accident, you may be charged with negligent entrustment. It is important to know just who you are handing over control of your vehicle to.
When you give your keys to another driver, you must be sure that they are a careful driver and, more importantly, legally permitted to drive. Most negligent entrustment cases arise when a person allows an unlicensed or unsafe driver to possess and operate their vehicle.
For example: Your son was charged with driving under the influence and lost his license as a result. He needs to get to work and you are unable to take him. Instead, you give him your keys and allow him to drive your vehicle. On the way to work, your son causes an accident that results in injury to the other party. Not only will your son be charged, but you may be charged with negligent entrustment.
In another example, you could be charged with negligent entrustment if an employee is driving a company vehicle and involved in an accident while driving as a scope of their employment.
If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident in Atlanta, you may have a legal right to compensation for property damage and injury. Reach out to an experienced car accident attorney for assistance in determining what you may qualify for.