Involuntary Seclusion

In the city of Atlanta, a resident of a nursing home may be secluded against their will. Involuntary seclusion is a form of nursing home abuse and should not be ignored. One of the best ways to protect your loved one from any sort of abuse is to visit frequently and talk often. Listen to any concerns your loved one has and keep your eyes open for signs of abuse.

When it comes to nursing home abuse, involuntary seclusion means:

  • The person being kept out of or away from areas of the facility where others are permitted access;
  • The person not being permitted to use the telephone or other means of contact as others are;
  • The person not being permitted to send or receive mail as others are;
  • The person’s report of not being permitted to see or speak to others that they would expect to see or speak to.

Involuntary seclusion can have devastating effects on a patient’s psychological health. Human beings are social creatures, even if they are elderly. If you suspect that your loved one is being secluded from normal activities against their will, you should report the concern to their primary care physician.

If you suspect that your loved one is being abused in a nursing home, contact an attorney experienced in nursing home abuse. An attorney can help you move through the right channels when reporting the abuse, and they can advise you of your legal rights in situations such as this.