- 1-844-428-4529
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Obtain Punitive Damages in Court: Advice from a Georgia Lawyer
Obtain Punitive Damages in Court: Advice from a Georgia Lawyer
There are all kinds of accidents that can occur and, as a result, there are many different levels of compensation that can be sought after suffering from someone else’s actions. In most cases, injured individuals will want to seek damages for medical bills related to an accident, reimbursement for lost wages from work and compensation for pain and suffering. What many injured victims don’t realize is that they may also be able to include punitive damages in a personal injury lawsuit.
What Are Punitive Damages?
Punitive damages are meant to serve as a punishment and a deterrent. Punitive damages are often sought in lawsuits that involve injuries caused by large organizations or companies as a way to send the message that the practices or standards that led to the injuries involved are not acceptable and must be changed. An example of a situation in which punitive damages might be sought could involve a company that does not provide regular safety inspections of its facilities. If an employee or visitor of such facilities is injured due to a collapsed roof, the injured individual may include punitive damages in his or her lawsuit. This is done to punish the company for its negligence and to send a message to the company and its industry that failing to provide regular, proper safety inspections will not be tolerated. The hope then is that standards will be raised across the board in order to avoid potential injuries to others in the future.
Should You Seek Punitive Damages?
Punitive damages should be sought if you and your attorney deem them necessary. As mentioned, these types of damages can provide for the greater good of everyone, so a frank discussion should be had with your attorney on a personal basis regarding the specifics of your case. Additionally, punitive damages are not to be taken lightly and not all cases will see punitive damages awarded. There are a variety of reasons why such damages would not be awarded, including frivolous claims, and seeking punitive damages may end up hurting your case and your credibility if they are unwarranted. It’s of vital importance to consult with a personal injury attorney before seeking such damages in order to maximize your potential for success and compensation.
Receive Answers from an Expert
In the Atlanta area and beyond, people turn to James R. Haug, of the Haug Law Group, for experienced guidance when seeking punitive damages after an injury. James R. Haug and his staff of legal experts provide professional representation and advice for individuals who have suffered injuries of all types, including dog bites, vehicular accident injuries, workplace injuries, slips and falls and more. Whether you’re considering filing a lawsuit to receive simple compensation for medical bills after an injury or you want to do your part to help others by seeking punitive damages, contact the Haug Law Group today by calling 1-844-428-4529 (1-844-HAUG LAW) to see the difference James R. Haug and his team can make in your life.
Advancements in plastic surgery have provided a wealth of solutions to people who have suffered due to disfigurements and birth defects, and this medical discipline also gives individuals the chance to enhance their appearances safely and permanently. In the past, plastic surgery options were quite limited, and the tools available to plastic surgeons were unrefined. Today, however, plastic surgeons have access to equipment that provides pinpoint accuracy, greater usability and a broader spectrum of medical services to patients. Sadly, even with all of the advancements that have been made in the field of plastic surgery, malpractice can and does still occur, often leaving expensive medical bills and pain and suffering in its wake.
Why Does Plastic Surgery Medical Malpractice Occur?
Plastic surgery malpractice can occur for a variety of reasons, including negligence on the part of the surgeon. Even small mistakes can turn into large ones over time, and doctors who perform negligent plastic surgery may not even realize that they have made a mistake until a patient feels the effects in the future. Additionally, because plastic surgery is still a relatively new field of medicine, newer methods of service may not be as thoroughly tested as they should be before being performed upon a patient. In such cases, an inexperienced surgeon or one who has not received specialized training for a specific method may cause harm to a patient.
If You’ve Been a Victim
If you feel that you’ve been a victim of plastic surgery medical malpractice, it’s important to know that you have legal options to seek compensation. It’s recommended that you seek out and consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as you realize that something is wrong. You may have a limited amount of time to seek compensation from the date of discovering that malpractice has taken place, so it’s important to act quickly. You should also keep all documentation that you have regarding your experience, including documents from your surgeon, pictures and any documents related to treatment for any injuries sustained after your surgery. Once you’ve spoken with a personal injury attorney who specializes in plastic surgery medical malpractice, it may be decided that the best course of action is to file a lawsuit against your surgeon and any other responsible parties in court. If this is the case, your attorney will walk you through each step and handle everything for you.
James R. Haug: Plastic Surgery Malpractice Attorney in Atlanta, GA
Plastic surgery has become more and more common in and around Atlanta, and as a result, more locals face the possibility of plastic surgery medical malpractice. Those individuals who have been affected often turn to James R. Haug, of the Haug Law Group, for legal representation and advice. James R. Haug and his team understand the complexities involved in plastic surgery malpractice cases, and they provide their clients with compassionate support and expert legal guidance to obtain the maximum amount of compensation possible. The Haug Law Group is dedicated to ensuring that justice is served for innocent victims of plastic surgery malpractice in Atlanta and beyond.